Anti-Slavery Code of Conduct

Committed to Human Dignity 

The Modern Slavery Code of Conduct (the “Code”) applies to Arq Group’s employees, customers, contractors and suppliers. It sets out the minimum standards Arq Group expects from these entities. 

Arq Group is strongly committed to ensuring that the services we provide are delivered in a way that respects human rights and protects the fundamental dignity of workers. 

This includes taking steps to ensure that there is no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory human labour, human trafficking, child labour, debt bondage and deceptive recruiting for labour or any other form of Modern Slavery in any part of our business or in our supply chains.

The purpose of this Code is to share Arq Group’s principles clearly and communicate the behaviour and business practices that we expect our customers, contractors and suppliers to adhere to, including throughout these entities own supply chains.

Our Commitment and Principles 

Arq Group is committed to assessing and managing risks, and ensuring its supply chain is transparent, resilient and free from modern slavery and corruption.

As a minimum, we require that our suppliers and contractors will: 

  1. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding employment practices, benefits, health and safety, modern slavery and anti-discrimination.
  2. Provide a workplace free of direct or indirect discrimination, harassment or bullying on the grounds of gender, age, race, nationality or ethnic origin, disability or other bias.
  3. Not use child or forced labour in any form.
  4. Pay fair wages in line with legislation and awards for the industry including adequate rest periods and leave.
  5. Treat those who work for or on behalf of its business with dignity and respect, promoting a safe environment. 
  6. Oppose Modern Slavery in all forms.
  7. Monitor supply chains on a continual basis for compliance with the above requirements and to promptly investigate any suspected non-compliance of the above within its supply chain.

As part of our commitment to act ethically and ensure compliance with Modern Slavery Laws, Arq Group may from time to time ask our suppliers and contractors to demonstrate that they work in the ways required by this Modern Slavery Code of Conduct.

If, as an employee, supplier or contractor, you have any concerns about compliance with this Modern Slavery Code of Conduct you must immediately notify Arq Group.